Picture of Hi Saamiyah, hope you are well. What would you say is the most rewarding part about working in the tax dvision at EY?

Hi Saamiyah, hope you are well. What would you say is the most rewarding part about working in the tax dvision at EY?

4 responses

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I also wanted to ask about general tips and advice youn have for Assessment centres. As someone that has gone through, what are assessors particulary looking for?

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Adamoh M. asked a question to Saamiyah R.

Category: Employee benefits

Date asked: Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Last reviewed: Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Ellie I.

Tax Graduate

I wanted something that is a mix between technical and people skills. Adding value to clients within a tax team requires making something quite complicated understandable and accessible to people in a general business context! I really like the fact that I can do a mix of different things, and there's always more to learn. It's a really varied role

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Eleanor G.

Assistant Tax Advisor

Hi Viktorija, I chose Tax because after reading up about what tax involved, it sounded interesting to me. I liked the idea of helping clients through providing them with advise on tax. I love the depth of the tax analysis you can go into, and finding relevant legislation, as it feels to rewarding to be able to help answer their questions. The variety of pieces of work is also great and the law is forever changing meaning you always have to be on your toes and you'll never get bored.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Charlotte O.

Tax Business Apprentice

Hi Viktorija! Originally I actually wanted to go into audit after doing my research between tax and audit, but after going into the office for a couple days on work experience, I realised I was more suited for tax! There are so many different sub-service lines in tax as well, with each team being so different. I'm in Indirect Tax, and because of Brexit, we were really busy all of last year, advising clients on the new legislation and ensuring they were compliant with the new rules. There are so many different things in tax to consider, and there is always something new you are learning on different projects. I also get to interact a lot with clients on a daily basis which I really like.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Hafsa E.

Assistant Tax Advisor

Hi Viktorija - Thank you for your question. I chose Tax as I really enjoyed some of the tax modules which I studied at university in my second and third year, and I also had the opportunity to undertake an internship in Taxation during my second year of university which really fuelled my interest in wanting a career in Tax as I really liked the fact that there is so much to learn in this field, and that there are so many different areas of Taxation which you can specialize in (VAT/Corporation Tax/Customs duties etc). Outside of this, I researched into the different service lines which EY offers, and Tax really stood out to me, as it was really refreshing to see the testimonials from graduates to say that their experiences in Tax have been enjoyable and worthwhile. Tax is a very versatile field and it is a blend of both compliance and advisory work, and so you get to experience both sides which is good! EY has a lot of different sub-service lines in Tax, and I am in the Indirect Tax service line and in the Transformation Team, which is very systems based and so I get to work on the technology side of Tax which is often overlooked, but is very important now with the launch of MTD

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

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