If you decide to go down the School Leaver tax apprentice route, how quick do you receive promotions?
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I have seen the progression in careers at EY go from Tax Apprentice to Senior partners where they make several hundred thousand pounds a year but I wanted to ask how many years of dedicated hard work would it take to get to that much coveted position of senior partner? (I am not sure if it is called senior partner or director, but the top role)
Lakshya A. asked during the live chat Discover a career in Tax to EY
Category: Employee benefits
Date asked: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Last reviewed: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Ryan N.
Assistant Tax Advisor
Hey - this answer is almost like how long is a piece of string. It all depends on your ambitions, career opportunities etc. Many of EY partners have spent 15-20 years to become partner sometimes more. Some people choose to never get there too.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Lolade S.
Senior Tax Advisor
There's no one size fits all answer to this! Many factors will influence the rate of progression, including your general performance at work as well as people supporting your progression
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
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