What does the day to day look like for a technology risk consultant? Do you get involved in technical implementation?
Ahmad Shabir G. asked a question to EY
Category: Day to Day
Date asked: Saturday, January 22, 2022
Last reviewed: Saturday, January 22, 2022
Ellie F.
Technology Risk Graduate
Hey! As a first year technology risk consultant, the job is all about learning the basics of IT audit, IT risks and the controls we test. So day to day we become familiar with our clients IT landscape and test their IT controls. This includes testing things like: do leavers of the company have their access removed in a timely manner? Are all users and their access regularly reviewed by management? As you progress up to senior consultant and manager, you're able to get a lot more involved in the technical elements of audits. We have a lot of clients for whom we aren't the external auditor and in those cases we are able to work with them in more of an advisory capacity!
Saturday, January 22, 2022
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