What does a typical working day look like?
Amelia Y. asked a question to EY
Category: Day to Day
Date asked: Thursday, December 10, 2020
Last reviewed: Thursday, December 10, 2020
Mia K.
Assurance Apprentice - Cambridge
Hi Amelia! :)
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Amelia Y.
Hi Mia! How are you?
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Mia K.
Assurance Apprentice - Cambridge
Good thanks, hope you're doing okay! I can definitely say that not every day is the same and that's what makes the job exciting. On a typical day, you can expect to do various tasks, that can include calls/meetings with the client, your team, coaching calls, and performing your own tasks independently. There are some days where you can be busy meetings so the time will fly and others where you can get time to catch up on the work allocated to you. Often the days with more calls/interaction are fun because you don't talk all day about work!
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Amelia Y.
Ok, that's great, thank you! Is there a lot of travel involved/the opportunity for travel (in non-Covid times)?
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Mia K.
Assurance Apprentice - Cambridge
No worries! Yes so when I joined last year in September (pre-COVID), there was plenty of travelling to keep you busy, particularly when you work in a regional office (i.e. those not in London). Typically, you get assigned to clients for weeks at a time on a certain site, so you'll spend those weeks travelling there and then the next few weeks will be somewhere completely different! Definitely a nice part of the job, so you're not stuck in the same place each day. You also get the chance later down the line to do secondments to other countries for a few months and work for EY there (I know people who have gone to New York!)
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Amelia Y.
That's great! Thank you so much for the insight; your answers have been really helpful!
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Mia K.
Assurance Apprentice - Cambridge
No problem Amelia! Let us know if you have any more
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Amelia Y.
I will do, thank you, Mia! Have a nice evening
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Mia K.
Assurance Apprentice - Cambridge
You too :)
Thursday, December 10, 2020
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