I have been invited for an assessment centre for Assurance in FSO. What kind of exercises will I get on the day?
Additional information
E.g. numerical tests, verbal reasoning, group exercises
Arnold X. asked a question to EY
Category: Interview Tips
Date asked: Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Last reviewed: Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Kirsty R.
UKI Assurance Associate
Hi Arnold, thanks for your question. The exercises will be a mixture. There are group exercises as EY likes to see how you would interact in a team-setting. A lot of the work we do in Assurance is about your ability to work with others, with the client and manage your responsibilities while being considerate of others. There are also individual exercises which are looking to test your knowledge about the area you've applied for and your overall business acumen understanding (with quite a big technology focus). You will also likely get a numerical test.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Kirsty R.
UKI Assurance Associate
The exercises are designed to showcase your personality. Please feel like you can be yourself.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Arnold X.
Thank you. In terms of the individual exercises, are they written exercises or are they done in an interview setting? Also, just to confirm, will there be any verbal reasoning tests?
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Kirsty R.
UKI Assurance Associate
I cannot say for certain the structure of your assessment centre. However, the exercises are more likely to be relational which will require you interacting with, usually, a member of EY. Any exercise you get will be less of an interview and more about you sharing ideas about yourself, your chosen career path, and the broader world through an activity rather than a typical 'tell me about yourself.' The exercises are designed to show your skills in areas such as time-keeping, how you relate to others, your knowledge of EY, of audit etc. There were no verbal reasoning tests in my assessment centre.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Kirsty R.
UKI Assurance Associate
The only interview is the partner interview, which you may or may not have on the day. If you do, you will be told ahead of time to prepare.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
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