Questions about EY Graduate Law programme
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Hi, Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions! I am an offer holder for the Graduate Law programme. As part of a 2-year legal training contract, trainee solicitors rotate between different practices of law to gain practical experience. City law firms usually provide information about the different departments in advance so trainees can make an informed choice of what they would like to train in. Can you confirm when EY Law provides information about the different seats to offer holders, and when/how we submit our seat preferences? Is there any opportunity to meet current trainees or qualified solicitors, so we can get a better sense of the work done by the business? Does HR decide where offer holders sit, or do EY Law partners allocate offer holders to different departments? During my recruitment year, the website referenced being able to do an international secondment? Is this still an option? Are client secondments also an option? Also, how many trainee solicitors are being taken on this year? Will there be an opportunities to meet/get to know our cohort or lawyers at EY Law in the coming months? To qualify as a solicitor in England and Wales, trainee solicitors must also complete the PSC examinations. Some City law firms choose to enrol their trainees in this course at the start of the training contract, so that all exams can be completed in one go. Other firms opt to have their trainees sit the exams while working. How does EY Law intend for its trainee solicitors to sit the PSC exams? Sorry for spam in questions but I'd appreciate any responses!
Anonymous asked a question to Josh B.
Category: Graduate scheme
Date asked: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Last reviewed: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Josh B.
Senior Associate - Student Talent Acquisition and Attraction Advisor
Many thanks for your questions and it is great to see how engaged you are in the lead up to joining us!
I hope this answer will cover most of the questions that you have raised but please also keep in mind that you will receive an onboarding pack which will comprehensively cover any details related to your role.
Throughout your training contract, you will be given the opportunity to put forward your seat preferences. Once you join your local team will be able to go through this internal process in more detail with you.Â
 All EY employees are assigned a buddy and counsellor before they join the business. This will be a great opportunity to ask your team members for more information about their day to day and what to expect as they will be from your local team.Â
 You will already know which area of the business you are joining from your interview process and offer letter, either UKI or Financial Services. Your seat will then be allocated by the Law team and you will be able to put your preference forward. Secondment opportunities will vary year on year, you will be provided with any opportunities available once you have joined the Graduate programme.
The PSC course will be arranged by EY and we will give you more information on the timing once you join in September.Â
I hope this helps!
Thursday, April 27, 2023
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