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Picture of VISA expire date questions

VISA expire date questions

Picture of Weitao
1 response

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In the application VISA status part, i'm in the process of extending my student visa, and the expire date would be extened. But i don't know the new expire date would be. Base on the similar expierience from internet, the expired date should be in Jun. 1.How should i input my upcoming new VISA expire date. 2Is the time enough to transfer visa into T2 Visa for the role in 2023 Sept, or should i apply for graduate visa to cover the time gap.

Anonymous asked a question to EY

Category: Application process

Date asked: Friday, December 16, 2022

Last reviewed: Friday, February 10, 2023

Picture of Weitao L.

Weitao L.

Senior Consultant - Insurance Technology Consulting Platforms

Hi there,

Thanks for your question and your application.

Regarding the visa status, I would recommend connecting with the student recruitment team to address your current visa status. As you are in the process of transferring to a new visa or extending your visa, your situation might be relatively complex.

You can contact them on +44(0)800 289 208 between Monday to Friday, 8:30am-5.30pm UK time.

Kind regards,

Friday, February 10, 2023

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