Picture of Hi Kate, is there anything you would suggest doing to prepare for an assessment day?

Hi Kate, is there anything you would suggest doing to prepare for an assessment day?

1 response

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Oscar B. asked a question to EY

Category: Career Advice

Date asked: vendredi, mai 7, 2021

Last reviewed: lundi, mai 17, 2021

Kate B.

Student Recruitment Operations Advisor

Hi Oscar - thank you for applying! Yes absolutely we have some tips for success at the EY Experience Day (Assessment Centre). If you check our our page here: https://www.ey.com/en_uk/careers/students/application-process, and then click under the relevant programme you have applied to and then the "EY Experience Day" stage, you can read about the day and see some of our top tips. I suggest you have a read through these, and best of luck on the day!

lundi, mai 17, 2021

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