Hi! How would you prepare for the digital and tech degree apprenticeship within assurance? (after getting an offer)
Additional information
For example any recommended reading etc.
Anonymous asked a question to Assurance
Category: Apprenticeships
Date asked: Saturday, May 1, 2021
Last reviewed: Monday, May 17, 2021
Verity P.
Employer Brand Advisor
Hi - thanks for your question. Statement from Izzy Law, Digital Apprentice in Assurance - Southampton, has responded to your question:
It’s great to see that you are keen to prepare for your apprenticeship ð. When you first join you will go into assurance for a few months along with the business apprentices so I would definitely recommend doing some reading around audit and possibly try and gain some accounting knowledge (maybe to do with the different financial statements or the types of account that are included in them). There’s not much preparation you can do for the digital side just yet. If you are going along the data analytics pathway then it might be a good idea to do some learning around âif statementsâ or Regex (a programming language). I hope that is helpful.
Monday, May 17, 2021
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