Could you give us as much detailed information as possible about the group task and what to expect?
Taabish Z. asked a question to EY
Category: Role Description
Date asked: lundi, octobre 26, 2020
Last reviewed: lundi, octobre 26, 2020
Megan W.
Student Recruitment Advisor
Hi Taabish, The exercise is called innovate and you are given a case study. You would be given 5 minutes to put together your thoughts on this personally and then you would go into a group and collaborate your ideas and thoughts. You would then be asked to complete a self reflection piece
lundi, octobre 26, 2020
Taabish Z.
Do we have to submit an email as I'm told this was the case from a friend last year?
lundi, octobre 26, 2020
Megan W.
Student Recruitment Advisor
No you would be invited via email to this stage if you have completed the application stage and then the online assessments and job simulation
lundi, octobre 26, 2020
Taabish Z.
I meant, within the Experience Day, are we expected to write an email at any point for any task?
lundi, octobre 26, 2020
Megan W.
Student Recruitment Advisor
The tasks change so it would be difficult to say exactly what this would look like
lundi, octobre 26, 2020
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