Structure of the Assurance Graduate Programme London and chareer choices afterwards
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Hi! I'd like to enquire about the structure of the Assurance Graduate Programme in London. What would graduates be working/training on throughout each year of the programme and how does it all fit around the exams to gain the ICAEW qualification? and is it similar in every office or does it depend on the office location? When are the busier periods? On the other hand, what are the career choices once qualified? Is it necessary to stick to audit or is it possible to transition to other areas if desired? Thank you very much in advance.
Anxo H. asked a question to EY
Category: Graduate scheme
Date asked: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Last reviewed: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
Hi Anxo, a lot of timings do depend on the location and therefore the qualification being studied. The work will be similar in all of the offices but perhaps the time off at college could vary. Everyone is eligible for study leave though and would have certain time where they'll be out of work and learning/studying for exams
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
The busier periods can vary based on the clients you are on, but usually January/February are particularly busy times because of a lot of companie's year ends being in December
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
Audit is a great place to start your career, because you get a lot of experience with many different businesses, and you get the internationally recognised chartered accountancy qualification. This means you can decide to progress in audit or you can change to anotehr service line or perhaps join a company in industry? So many possibilities!
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
Hope this helps
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Anxo H.
Hi Rachel! That's really useful indeed! thank you very much!!
What do you think is the best and the worst about working in assurance?
In the first year, what's a typical day like? What sort of tasks and projects do you work on and how many company audits do you work on at the same time? How many graduates are there in your same team?
What are the main differences and challenges in working in Assurance FS and Assurance UK&I? Also can you chose which one you prefer when applying or is it determined by the company?
In regards to the qualification, can you chose in between the ICAS / ICAEW yourself or is it determined by your department?
Sorry for all the questions and thank you so much!
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
I think the best thing is the exposure that you get to high level finance staff in companies. It's really good for variety too. You are barely in the same place for a few weeks at a time!
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
Some people struggle with the exams, so that could be something that puts people off as it's a professional qualification!
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
In your first year you will be doing a lot of training and getting coaching from those above you.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
In your first year you will only work on 1 client project at a time, this increases as you progress
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Anxo H.
Does EY provide any help preparing the exams? or is it 100% self study?
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
You get classes at ICAS/ICAEW college and you get paid time off to do these. You then get self study leave time too.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
When you apply you can pick a preference of UKI and FS, the work is the same but just different clients. You aren't guaranteed you will get your preference, it's based on availability.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
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