I will graduate next year with BSc (Hons) Economics. Do you have graduate programmes at your London offices?
2 responses
Tatiana T. asked a question to EY
Category: Qualifications
Date asked: mardi, juillet 7, 2020
Last reviewed: mardi, juillet 7, 2020
Lucy P.
Brand & Attraction Student Recruitment Advisor
Hi Tatiana, thanks for your question. Yes we will have graduate programmes for 2021 start in our London offices. Our applications for 2021 programmes will open from August but you can register your interest now which means you will automatically get notified when our applications open so you can be first to apply https://eycareers.ambertrack.global/registerinterest2021/CandidateLogin.aspx
mardi, juillet 7, 2020
Tatiana T.
Great, thank-you Lucy!
mardi, juillet 7, 2020
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