Picture of Do graduates, apprentices and school leavers all work together?

Do graduates, apprentices and school leavers all work together?

1 response

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Do they work and socialise together?

Anonymous asked a question to Tax

Category: Work experience

Date asked: Friday, June 19, 2020

Last reviewed: Monday, June 22, 2020

George K.

Assistant Tax Advisor

Absolutely! From a work perspective graduates and apprentices are expected to work on the same kinds of work - they are practically the same other than the exams they sit and the duration of their training contract. As for socialising - of course, you can socialise with who ever you want - some graduates may be closer due to time spent out together studying but when we are in the office we all do stuff together - in my team we (grads and apprentices) regularly go to Nando's at lunch and we also have wider team socials where the whole team comes along.

Monday, June 22, 2020

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