Hi, I was wondering when the People Advisory Services 2021 graduate program in London will open?
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I registered my interest for the consulting division and got an email saying it should open soon and I was just wondering if you'd know exactly when that would be? Thanks in advance!
Anonymous asked a question to Recruitment
Category: Graduate scheme
Date asked: Monday, October 12, 2020
Last reviewed: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Verity P.
Employer Brand Advisor
Hello - thanks for your question. We have a phased approach to opening roles this year and this particular role hasn't been given an opening date just yet - if you have registered your interest to this you'll receive an email from the team once it has opened.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Hi - I hope you're well. I was wondering if this will definitely open in London or not as I couldn't find London as an option when I tried registering my interest. Since I also am considering business consulting (which I know has opened), I don't want to miss out on that opportunity if the PAS scheme isn't running in London for 2021. Sorry for all the questions but look forward to hearing your reply.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
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