Picture of Does EY have a path for people with PhD's interested in a career in consulting?

Does EY have a path for people with PhD's interested in a career in consulting?

Picture of Verity
1 response

Anisha T. asked a question to Consulting

Category: Career progression

Date asked: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Last reviewed: Monday, October 12, 2020

Picture of Verity P.

Verity P.

Employer Brand Advisor

Hi Anisha - we have Graduate programmes in Consulting - please check out the website here:https://www.ey.com/en_uk/careers/students/programmes/graduates/consulting-graduate-programme-options

We don't have specific programmes for students studying a PHD, but if you're interested in EY-Parthenon, you could look into applying for a role on one of their programmes.

Monday, October 12, 2020

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