Picture of Are only 3 of the 8 possible Strategy and Transactions graduate scheme pathways are open, when will the rest become open

Are only 3 of the 8 possible Strategy and Transactions graduate scheme pathways are open, when will the rest become open

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When will the rest of the pathways open up on the portal? I have been checking for about 4 weeks now and it is still only showing "business modelling", "Corporate finance" and "turnaround and restructuring strategy" as the 3 available options?

Anonymous asked a question to Recruitment

Category: Open positions

Date asked: Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Last reviewed: Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Lucy P.

Brand & Attraction Student Recruitment Advisor

Hi there, thanks for your interest. These programmes may open later in the season, to get automatically notified when they open you can register your interest here- https://eycareers.ambertrack.global/registerinterest2021/CandidateLogin.aspx

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

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