Can I apply to roles at both EY Parthenon and other EY roles simultaneously?
Hannah Y. asked a question to Recruitment
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Monday, September 21, 2020
Last reviewed: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Lucy P.
Brand & Attraction Student Recruitment Advisor
Hi Hannah, we recommend that you apply for one programme at a time but you are able to apply for both a EY student programme and EY Parthenon. Thanks, Lucy
Friday, September 25, 2020
Charlotte D.
Student Recruitment Advisor
Current guidance remains that you can only apply to one role at a time, including between EY Parthenon and the student programme - so if you apply to Parthenon, you cannot apply to another role regardless of whether it's Parthenon or not. I hope this helps and clarifies our current stance. It's important that you do your research to thoroughly understand which role is right for you and apply accordingly.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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