As a current year1 student pursing a degree, am I eligible apply for spring week programme in 2021?
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If the answer is no, I would be very keen to apply for summer internship in 2021. Any suggestions to assist me progress the application, particularly any useful online resources recommended to practise the upcoming assessments in the application process? Thanks very much
Chaoyu P. asked a question to EY
Category: Visas
Date asked: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Last reviewed: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Chaoyu P.
Additionally, May I ask is it possible to obtain the graduate job if candidate done a great job in summer internship? What is the brief proportion of successfully candidates?
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
Hi Chaoyu, our spring insight programmes are for those in their 1st year of University. Our summer internships are for those in their penultimate year of study (so those graduating in 2022)
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
To get some application tips on how to best prepare, see this page on the website here: https://ukcareers.ey.com/students/how-to-apply/application-tips
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
And yes, we do offer the chance for summer internship candidates who have performed well during the programme to fast-track to the graduate programme. More details of this would be provided to those completing the programme. Unfortunately cannot give out the percentage of those successful as I do not have that data to hand
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Chaoyu P.
Thank you very much! Does the eligibility progressing to graduate programme means that you are going to be a full-time employee in EY?
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Janeesha W.
What do you mean you get fast track to the graduate scheme? Does this mean you still have to go to a assessment centre?How do you do well in an internship? What is considered not doing well in an internship?
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
Yes Chaoyu, if you were on the graduate programme you would be a full-time employee but you would be under terms and conditions of a training contract (eg, conditional on passing your exams)
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Rachel G.
EY Talent Attraction & Acquisition - Supervising Associate
Hi Janeesha, some people would automatically get offered a position on the next years grad scheme, however for some programmes you would have to do an assessment centre and graduate programme. These vary based on programme and service line.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Chaoyu P.
Thank you very much!
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Janeesha W.
Thank you!
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Chaoyu P.
May I ask what is gonna happen if I failed to meet the conditions in the graduate programme?
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Shanade O.
Student Recruitment Events Advisor
Hi Chaoyu, it depends. You would be expected to work your hardest at university to meet your offer conditions. Each situation would be assessed on a case by case basis though.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
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