Picture of Does EY provide any newspaper subscriptions for employees (Financial Times, Bloomberg etc.)?

Does EY provide any newspaper subscriptions for employees (Financial Times, Bloomberg etc.)?

1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Assurance

Category: Open positions

Date asked: Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Last reviewed: Monday, June 15, 2020

Rich D.

Senior Manager

Hi – apologies for the delay in getting back to you, I have been out of office and I am trying to catch up.

In terms of subscriptions, there are EY wide subscriptions to a wide variety of resources. In assurance it is critical we understand the nature of our business so we can understand their risks and how they operate. For example anyone can access Factiva, which gives us access to “nearly 32,000 sources including newspapers, trade publications, newswires, press release wires, media transcripts, news photos, investment analyst and market research reports and historical market data”. That is one of many resources EY has access to, so you will never be short of some bedtime reading. As you progress with the firm commercial awareness is critical, you can all tailor these external data sources so that when your client’s appear in the news, press etc. the articles or media etc. will be sent to you via email allowing you to always be up to speed with what your client’s are up to, both the good, the bad and the ugly. I hope this helps answer your question, but let me know if anything needs clarity. Thanks.

Monday, June 15, 2020

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