Could I ask is what is the process of virtual experience day?
Eve I. asked a question to EY
Category: Events
Date asked: mardi, mai 5, 2020
Last reviewed: mardi, mai 5, 2020
Claire H.
Talent Attraction Advisor
Hi Eve, the process of the virtual EYX is very similar to that in real life in terms of the tasks and assessments you will complete. The day is ran through microsoft teams and begins with a welcome address from a senior leader in our business - you then go onto complete an NRT (numerical reasoning test) which is quite like the one you will already have completed in the online assessment - you can prepare for this by doing practice tests on CAPP or jobmi.com - after this you will then have a one hour slot with an assessor (a video interview if you like) where you will be doing 2 final assessments - the first one is a case study which tests your creativity & innovative thinking and the second one is an email task where you will be asked to prioritise and use your time management skills for several projects that need completed. Hope that helps!
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Eve I.
Thanks. Could you tell me more about the partner interview?
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Claire H.
Talent Attraction Advisor
The partner interview is the final stage in our process and is very much about getting to know you as a person. We want to know why you have applied to this specific office and specific service line & what your career motivations are. We also ask you questions to test your commercial awareness of our industry & that you know about the firm and our competitors. Finally due to the new virtual nature of our assessment days we will also be asking about your teamwork and collaboration during the final interview
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Eve I.
Thanks, Claire. Could I ask how to assess my teamwork skills during the final interview?
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Claire H.
Talent Attraction Advisor
Hi Eve - yes of course. Just think of examples of when you have worked well in a team & use these to demonstrate your skills - tell them the situation and what happened and what part you played in the team - this could be a sport/society, etc..
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Eve I.
Is this scenario question?
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Claire H.
Talent Attraction Advisor
I'm not sure what the questions will be exactly - you just need to prepare for any and all questions relating to teamwork that may come up.
mardi, mai 5, 2020
James M.
Hi Claire. I have been invited to a virtual EY experience day on May the 11th through the use of PathMotion again. Is this different to what you have described above? I have already gained a place as an apprentice in the assurance sector and i have not been made aware of any other form of interview / application process?
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Claire H.
Talent Attraction Advisor
Hi James, May 11th is just another live chat similar to this one - it will be hints/tips for our virtual eyx day so if you have already received an offer of employment that there will be no point in you attending. However if you are still in the application process then it is worth your while to get some guidance :)
mardi, mai 5, 2020
James M.
Ok Claire thank you so much for the clarification! I got a little worried then haha. Would i be right to assume i do not have the virtual eyx day due to the fact i was offered my apprenticeship through the EY business academy which i did last summer and therefore i have already presented in front of a partner of EY etc?
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Eve I.
Thanks, Claire.
mardi, mai 5, 2020
Claire H.
Talent Attraction Advisor
Yes that is correct James - you are all good and don't need to attend the pathmotion next week if you already have an offer of employment through business academy :)
mardi, mai 5, 2020
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